About us

Welcome to Janix Assurance

You've created your business to be successful and to generate significant profits, however, current business environments are in constant flux. Today you are facing new challenges that require new strategies and expansion your vision. It is imperative to enable your leadership team and other personnel to help you in assuring shifting directions are seamless, fluid and successful.

Whether you are a not-for-profit or for-profit business, Janix and our team work with your leadership, staff and board members to create and expand vision to generate strategies to support that vision,  train and coach to reach that vision, and put in place accountabilities to see that vision to fruition.

Today's economy demands we do more with less, and Janix works for you to meet this new reality by transforming your business or organization. We build highly accountable and energetic teams that effectively communicate, garner trust and engage in conversations. Teams that hold each other accountable and commit to results. Giving and receiving feedback is an essential factor in our overall success.

Training your leaders to think, act, and influence strategically is part of the sustainable edge necessary in today's marketplace. A successful business must be nimble and flexible, able to act and react to rapid changes in our world. Identifying strategic direction and frequent use of a clear cut agenda ensures success and a continued forward momentum.

Janix will help you and your team understand the difference and position your business to take advantage of opportunity. Janix encourages professional development strategies, integrates systems to monitor progress, and encourages executives and managers to think beyond the daily responsibilities. The focus is always on seeking excellence and raising the bar for both the individual's and the organization's growth. If you want the edge in your field, Janix LLC is your partner! Let us help you achieve your dreams of success.

The Janix Business 360 Effect

Leading-edge business strategies

Knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing (your mission), where you’re trying to go (your vision), and how you’re going to go about it (your values) are the glue that holds an organization together. It is an essential part to building your strategic foundation and developing a strategy. You preserve these elements while your strategies and goals change and flex with the market. You may modify your mission, vision, or values over time, but the intent stays unchanged and you will have complete clarity when making critical business decisions that impact your future.

Now more than ever, leaders must be able to think, act and influence strategically. Leaders must be able to manage themselves, manage others and the business. That means they must define purpose and link it to tasks, organize work and work teams, develop talent and inspire results that match company objectives in order to ensure long-term sustainability.

Engage Janix Business 360 today. We look forward to hearing from you.